Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ms. Carley

            I learn something new everyday from the kids in my class. I’ve learned that even though I may see them do wrong, when I ask Tommy, “Did you take Johnny’s pencil?” Tommy will look me dead in the eyes and say, “No, Ms. McCarley it wasn’t me.” Kindergarteners also believe they are invincible and know everything. For example, “Sally you sure look cute today.” “I know Ms. McCarley, trust me I know.”
            It’s hard to describe the joy that comes from teaching, but even more so from teaching someone how to write his or her name. We write our names so often that it’s just second nature. This has probably been the most rewarding thing I have experienced so far. It’s hard to believe that the name we see so often at one point was barely ledge-able, better yet barely letters. I tell my students that they must learn to write their names, because our names are important; which they and they are. 
            It is amazing the things kids will tell you. For instance Monday was Halloween and chilly, and one of my students forgot his jacket along with his cupcakes for our class party. His mother was bringing them at lunch; however, while standing in line for lunch he spits out, “If there was a phone in my pocket I could just call her.” Then proceeded to pretend he had a phone in his pocket and acted like he was calling his mother. Children are always watching and its funny the things they pick up on.
            Often when people hear that I am going to school to be an elementary teacher I get replies like: Good for you, or it takes a special person, or wow the patients you must have. It is like they are shocked, but the gratitude and respect is almost second nature. I get excited about a student reading a word or figuring out how to write a letter correctly or even saying my name correctly. When I started the school year the students for some reason could not say McCarley, so for the longest time I was Ms. Carley. I loved it and was almost sad when they started calling me by my full name, Ms. McCarley. 

             Last week we made a class book about what we would be for Halloween. I think some of them may be the next Picasso. 


            I’ll leave you with this quote, “If you can read, thank a teacher.” J

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